Union and Binational Political Activism, essential for the process of Immigration Reform


DURANGO, DGO.- The interest generated by 22 states in relation to a similar legislation as the SB1070 has already induced reactions that put on an alert sensation the communities on both sides of the border.

In a recent release issued by ‘Americans for legal migration’ (ALIPAC). Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, and Texas would be developing similar projects.

Past July 28 the federal judge Susan Bolton, managed to delete and/or block parts of Arizona, where police is prevented of finding out the migratory status of people suspected of illegally entering the country.

William Gheen, the ALIPAC President declared that the increase in the number of legislators who promote laws such as the Arizona´s is due, in part to their efforts to defend the State “of the Mexican nation attacks” and the Government of Barack Obama.

                          The community speaks on the subject.

Margarita Álvarez United Voices for the Guatemalan immigrants in Dallas, Texas, said that in this moment intolerance towards the immigrant community is in the air since SB 1070 have already begun to have effect.

“Here you can breathe fear, and this causes an intolerance which is the worst disease, as consequence it generates violence among ourselves, and not to other ethnic groups”. The community activist said that the union of the community representatives has been sought but there hasn´t been an echo in her demands but added which: “is going to be very sad when we have that act with us because we won´t be able to do nothing,” said Alvarez.

Roberto Alonzo, State legislator of Texas, said that although there are already two deputies in Texas promoting a similar Arizona´s law, but their efforts will not flourish,and as well said that “this is only a reflection of racial hatred towards the undocumented immigrant population”.

Durango thinks

Adan Soria Hernandez, President of Durango, (PRI), totally rejected the SB1070 and said that in his Government there will be full support for migrants through various already established programs.

“For Durango, in case of the return of migrants to their places of origin, we expect them with open arms and of course they will be backed by the municipal government”, explained Soria Hernandez.

“Andrés Cabello Marín (PAN), President of Guadalupe Victoria, spoke about the theme, expressed his repudiation to this law, and also acknowledged the vital contribution of migrants for this community.” “I was also a migrant, I know what it means, and the effort of our people too, we recognize their participation in the growth of Guadalupe Victoria, in my administration we value and support all productive programs where the migrants participate”, explained Cabello Marín.

Efforts united; part of the solution

Arturo Cuéllar González, Director of the Institute of the Mexicans abroad (IME) and member of the Commission of border issues, said that the only way to defeat any racist law as SB1070, is to unite all communities that exist in the United States.“ 

“I am in favor of a constructive dialogue to route and resolve our differences on issues such as migration, border security, human rights, etc; but also oppose to unilateral actions that flare up anti-immigrant sentiments and ignite the hate and insecurity in both sides of the border”.

 Douglas Interiano form Immigrant Project ICS, expressed more than to just say that if the various communities that are already established on both sides of the border join efforts would be a good sign to show the rest of the American community that everyone who lives in the United States with or without documents are subjects of equal rights and obligations, and that no action showing racial profiling will break down the fighting spirit of the Hispanic community to achieve a fair and comprehensive immigration reform.

Gustavo Bujanda, from Allen Texas, said that resistance to this law has managed to unite the Hispanic community, without distinction of political parties.

“We must resist, oppose such initiatives, and ‘enable us’ politically, intelligently, to support those who are the most vulnerable among us and not have the power to vote” declared Bujanda.

He also said that in Texas, as in many other States, a politically active minority may impose, regardless of its legality, such initiatives, and quoted as an example for the cities of Farmers Branch and Irving.

“Our cynicism towards the Mexican Government is exacerbated when we hear the President Calderon reprimand the state of Arizona, claiming that you will always defend the rights of the ‘Paisanos’, when we know that in practice, the more fundamental right that we have as Mexican citizens, a free vote in the elections in our country, but is denied or limited.” Tangible results in these two fronts will give the Mexican Government credibility to ‘Paisanos’ and external audiences´ expressed Bujanda.

Added that the role of the Mexican Government must stop tearing down each other in the migration subject in the United States and first act on two fronts; quick and in an effective way; “the best deal and guarantees for the legal and undocumented immigrants in our country”, referring to what has happened in Tamaulipas recently where 72 immigrants were killed by refusing to participate in organized crime.

Carlos Martínez from Casa California Durango nor Claudia Lucero from the Duranguenses Federation were available for comments.

By Ángel Peimberth


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